
Homepage 29/10/13

MediaArtHistory.org is the virtual home of an international alliance dedicated to promoting collaboration, and advocating the sustainability, understanding, and appreciation of media art heritage. Recognizing the increasing significance of media art for our culture, this platform, conference series and archive for the Histories of Media Art discuss  the history of media art within the interdisciplinary and intercultural contexts of the histories of art.

Media Art Histories is an evolving, interdisciplinary field requiring foresight, dialogue, and a striving for rigor.
These projects detail our participation and role in this dialogue:

– International Conference Series on the History of Media Art, Science, and Technology 

A conference series covering art and new media, art and technology, art-science interaction, and the history of media as pertinent to contemporary art. The Media Art History conference series is currently celebrating the conclusion of Renew, the fifth biennial conference. 

– Media Art Histories Archive

A digital repository of scholarship examining the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology. The archive of the Media Art History international conference series.

– International Declaration

A declaration  written and signed by leading academics, researchers, theorists and artists working within the field of media art histories.

– Publications

MediaArtHistory Board (Steering Committee)

Erkki HUHTAMO, Tim LENOIR, Machiko KUSAHARA, Gunalan NADARAJAN, Oliver GRAU, Douglas KAHN, Linda HENDERSON, Sean CUBITT, Martin KEMP and Paul THOMAS

List of Advisors – Board Members, Conference Chairs, Brainstormers, Session Chairs, Keynotes – 2004-2013:

Robert ADRIAN, Irina ARISTARKHOVA, Rudolf ARNHEIM, Inke ARNS, Tatiana BAZZICHELLI, Horst BREDEKAMP, Andreas BROECKMANN, Paul BROWN, Karin BRUNS, Annick BUREAUD, Ron BURNETT, Oron CATTS, Alessio CAVALLARO, Ted COLLESS, Edmond COUCHOT, Sarah COOK, Geoff COX, Juan CRUZ, Sean CUBITT, Dieter DANIELS, Lorraine DASTON, Douglas DAVIS, Sara DIAMOND, Steve DIETZ, Diana DOMINGUES, Timothy DRUCKREY, Felice FRANKEL, Rudolf FRIELING, Darko FRITZ, Zhang GA, Jean GAGNON, Eleanor GATES-STUART, Charlie GERE, Oliver GRAU, Thomas GUNNING, Lisa GYE, Ross HARLEY, Jens HAUSER, Edwin van der HEIDE, Linda D. HENDERSON, Larissa HJORTH, Manrai HSU, Erkki HUHTAMO, Douglas KAHN, Ángel KALENBERG, Martin KEMP, Eric KLUITENBERG, Ryszard KLUSZCZYNSKI, Stephan KOVATS, Machiko KUSAHARA, Jorge LAFERLA, Andreas LANGE, Timothy LENOIR, Kim MACHAN, Tapio MÄKELÄ, Sarat MAHARAJ, Andy MAIH, Roger MALINA, Leon MARVELL, Armin MEDOSCH, W.J.T. MITCHELL, Anna MUNSTER, Gunalan NADARAJAN, Frieder NAKE, Daniel PALMER, Melentie PANDILOVSKI, Jussi PARIKKA, Christiane PAUL, Marko PELJHAN, Miklos PETERNAK, Louise POISSANT, Melinda RACKHAM, Jasia REICHERT, Ingeborg REICHLE, Frank POPPER, Itsuo SAKANE, Lucia SANTAELLA, Nishant SHAH, Jeffrey SHAW, Bernd SHERER, Edward SHANKEN, Laura SILLARS, Rasa SMITE, Raitis SMITS, Barbara STAFFORD, Stelarc, Mike STUBBS, Helen STUCKEY, Audrey SMIRNOV, Paul THOMAS, Darren TOFTS, Mara TRAUMANE, Mark TRIBE, Gediminas URBONAS, Tereza WAGNER, Peter WEIBEL, Steven WILSON, Walter ZANINI, Siegfried ZIELINSKI, Joanna WALEWSKA, Eva PASCOE, William LOCKETT, Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN, Hanna HOLLING, Wendy COONES, Andrew PATERSON, Chu Lea CHEANG, Ravio KELOMEES, Lev MANOVICH