
Media Art Histories Archive Roundtable

Date:Sept 29, 2011

Please visit the following  link to discover the outputs

Time 14.00 – 16.30:
Convened by Ross Harley and Paul Thomas
Invited participants: Andy Williamson, Berryl Graham, Darren Tofts, Frieder Nake, Kuljit  Chuhan, Lanfranco Aceti, Lisa Gye, Martin Warnke, Maximilian Schich, Mike Stubbs, Oliver Grau, Pip Laurenson, Sean Cubitt, Stephen Jones, Wendy Coones

How can we frame local and national media art archives in an international context?We would like to invite you to participate in a roundtable discussion focusing on issues central to the ongoing operation of media art history databases and archives around the world. This workshop will take place under the auspices of RE:WIRE, the Fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology  to be held in Liverpool September 28-30 October 1 2011.
The purpose of the roundtable is to bring together international specialists working in the field to share their experience and exchange ideas on best practices in online databases and virtual archives for media arts. The roundtable forms part of a joint project between the Department for Image Science at the Danube University Krems (led by Prof Oliver Grau), and the Australian Research Council (led by Ross Harley, Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas). The project aims to establish a web-based platform for the archiving and understanding of historic media art works in an international media art context.
How do we respond to urgent issues such as:

Persistence, longevity and sustainability of media resources

Cooperation and interoperability between archive project

Variable media standards into curatorial practice

Negotiating permissions culture

How do we deal with problems of data migration?


There is limited space available for seats at the roundtable.