
Paris as Conference Host

The Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University candidature for the organization of the Media Art History 2017 conference is being appliedfor by the Acte Instituet, and is representedby Olga Kisseleva and Bernard Guelton. The legitimacy of such a candidature is based on Paris 1’s reputation, the excellence of it teaching, notably in the domains addressed by the conference, and the presence of numerous university students, researchers and scientists linked to the diverse structures implied in the candidature. Paris, the Ville Lumière (City of Light) also offers an intellectual, artistic, scientifc and cultural environment which would make such a conference unique.

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Since the XIII Century, the name of the Sorbonne has evoked one of the most prestigious places in the world for intellectual pursuit, culture, science and art, knowledge that has traversed the centuries and been synonymous with excellence. Eight centuries after its foundation, the university continues to be the symbol of a whole population’s spirit, and the history which has forged the France of today. Launched by the Third Republic as a temple for knowledge which should be the glory of its Republican teaching system, the Sorbonne has become the symbolic place of all the universities and academies across France. Today it encompasses several internationally renown establishments providing higher education, as well as top-level university research laboratories in numerous domains.
The Media Art History 2017 conference will benefit from the intellectual and logistical means available at the Sorbonne. It will take place in the three amphitheatres situated in the historical centre of the Sorbonne.


The Acte Institute, which was created by the Paris 1 University in association with the Centre national de la recherche scienti que (CNRS) is a  rst in France. This pioneering institution brings together researchers form the three research centres of the doctorate school for Art, Esthetics and art Sciences of the Paris 1 University. It constitutes a structure for research capable of accompanying and studying the evolution of the domain of creation in general and of the sector of arts in particular. Its scienti c project concentrates conceptualization, reception and diffusion. The Media Art History 2017 conference will benefit from the presence of members of the Acte Institute who will put aside their time to work on the success of the event and will intervene on specific subjects relating to their domain of competence.
The Acte Institute is part of the continuation of the CERAP, which was already questioning the complex relationship between science and art, and of the LAM, whose team, directed by Anne-Marie Duguet, was working on the consequences of technological development on contemporary art.
The Acte Institute then became one of the most important laboratories for research in the domain of new media and of science applied to art. It doesn’t focus in fact on new media as such, but on novel artistic research, and the frontiers of scientific questioning and artistic interrogation. As the largest laboratory for research in Europe in this area, the ACTE Institute calls on the creative spirit of artists as well as researchers’ and scientists’ skills for synthesis, the key being that results should always be more innovative in terms of concept development, of the exchange of ideas, as well as what concerns their application and impact.
The ACTE Institute’s aim is to widen new perspectives and relentlessly extend the interdisciplinary borders of creation.


The “Art and Science” laboratory is one of the entities of the Acte Institute. It’s on the research axis associating art with exact science, natural science and political science. It’s research direction is on the development, analysis and promotion of collaborative projects elaborated hand in hand with scientists. It encourages collaborative projects between researcher-artists and scientists who conceive artworks together while analyzing what generates from them. An interweaving of paths occurs in terms of concepts, models, methods and materials. This interdisciplinary approach allows for the reconstruction of reality which is artificially partitioned by the compartmentalization of knowledge. Its objective is the acquisition of transversal competences. It aims as much to engage in problematics which are directly related to the world of art as to open the latterto a wider  field, that of the sciences. The “Arts & Science” laboratory is the heart of the organization of the Media Art History 2017 conference in Paris. Three of its organizing members will work on it. The conference’s choice of subject was also elaborated in the laboratory.