Ryszard W. Kluszczynski
Media Art to Techno Culture. Reflections on the Transformation of the
Avant-Gardes (the Polish case)
The late sixties and the seventies of the XXth century were facing the
rapid development of cognitive tendencies in the avant-garde art. Conceptual
art was the main current and sort of symbol of this development. The tension
between artistic and metaartistic discourses within the art, characteristic
for the classic avant-garde phenomena (from the 20s. to the 60s.) was
replaced with the increased domination of the latter in the context of
new avant-garde practices. Structural cinema and analytic video art appeared
to be the representatives of these processes in media art. In this area,
the interest in the characteristics of media technologies, and studies
in media materiality belonged to prominent attributes. The formal perspective,
typical for art before conceptualism was replaced then with the cognitive
one. Media art became sort of media studies. However, the purpose of these
transformed interests and activities was all the time the same –
the art itself.
The nineties brought with them the shift of the interest from technological
basis of art to technological fundaments of culture. Media and multimedia
art became sort of cultural studies activity. The cognitive perspective
in media art changed the object of research; it was redirected, exteriorized,
from self-analysis to analysis of social environment. It is thus not software
art to represent new cognitive tendencies in art nowadays. The issues
of artificial art, robotics, artificial intelligence, bio- and nanotechnology,
genetics, belong to the most prominent attributes of the new wave cognitive
media activities. The present cognitive media art has rejected its former
status of media studies to become cultural studies.
In my paper I want to study in detail these processes. I want to refer
– as the case study – to the development in the post war Polish
media art, from The Workshop of Film Form (founded in 1970), to The Central
Office of Technical Culture (1995). I will analyse programs and activities
of both artistic groups not only to indicate differences, but also to
show how the program of The Workshop prepared the project of The Central
Office... The Workshop’s interests in relationships between reality
and media representation, between technology and humans, studies in communication
and performativity, not only led towards media studies but also anticipated
the contemporary cultural analysis.