Abstract- Media Art Sciences & Feminist
Theories: New Alliances?
The old and odd discussion concerning High Art versus Low Culture might
be still alive in mainstream art history as well as in an advanced media
art history and/or media art sciences. I do not want to force this issue
because media art or so called new media art has been classified as art
in a broad sense - this is no question. Instead of this I would favor
new alliances between feminist theories and media art sciences. The recent
discourse of cyberfeminism for example shows that the category of gender
is not obsolete nor representations of the (virtual) body as a playground
of gendered structures (cf. feminist art practices: historical and actual
netart and interactive installations). It is more than required to intensify
feminist positions in media art sciences specially partial perspectives
(Donna Haraway), transversal politics (Nira Yuval-Davis), situated practices
as a multicultural feminist attitude (Ella Shohat). Do we need new institutionalization?
The virulent discussion offers arguments to promote and to ghettosize
feminist media sciences.