
Rewire – day 3 – Sept 30, 2011


9.30 – 11.30: SESSION 9

Panel A: Industry, apparatus, control systems

CHAIR: Paul Brown

Simon Hagemann, Robotic artists in Japan since the 1970s

Ian Wojtowicz, The Betweeners

Nadav Hochman, The Noise Complex: Reframing Abstract Expressionism in the Postwar Technological Context

Orit Halpern, Perceptual Machines: Cybernetics, Bio-Politics, and Design circa 1959

Graham Harwood, Contraption, the apparatus of art, sane & mad, secure & risky machines


Panel B: Case studies (curatorial and museum work)

CHAIR: Beryl Graham

Beryl Graham, Exhibition histories and new media behaviours

Vince Dziekan, Tate In Space (and Time)

Margaret Schavemaker, The State of the AR(t)

Janis Jefferies, Unleashing Devices: breakdown and the aesthetics of disappointment

Magdalena Tyzlik-Carver, Knowledge commons or souls at work? Curatorial systems and questions of contingency.


Panel C: The craft of art (the biological)

CHAIR: Andy Miah

Trish Adams and Andrew Burrell, Hybrid Habitats: the shifting domains of technologically mediated corporeality

Jenny Tillotson, Check The Smell Print

Natasha Vita-More, Human Enhancement: Nano-Bio/A[G]I as Media for Prolonging Personhood

Adele Senior, Henrietta Haunts: Performance, the Archive and the Biological Arts

Kristen Hutchinson, Employing Biomedical Sciences to Envision Illness in House and Christine Borland’s Positive Control

11.30 – 11.45: Tea/coffee


11.45 – 13.10: SESSION 10

Panel A: Media art histories (recent work)



Guilherme Kujawski, On Conversation Considered as One of the Fine Arts

Zara Dinnen, Code, Compression, Composition: C-ing the imagetext in Cory Arcangel’s “a couple thousand short films about Glenn Gould”


Panel B: Case studies (festivals)

CHAIR: Sarah Cook

Maria X, On Curating Collaboration: Medi@terra 2001

Marina Soler Jorge, Cinephilia, Festivals and Media: the São Paulo International Film Festival and its Audience.

Morten Søndergaard,  Flexowriters, Punch Paper Poetry and Visual Music: POEX 65 and the Paradigms of Performative Media Art Practices


Panel C: Methodologies (STS and actor network theory)

CHAIR: Charlie Gere

Chris Salter, Performance, Materiality and Active Agency: STS and Temporal Emergence in New Media Studio-Labs

Suzette Worden, Authorship, Interpretation and Consumption in the Digital Arts: the Case for Studying Expertise


13.00 – 14.00: Lunch


14.00 – 15.40: SESSION 11

Panel A: Media art histories (looking back)

CHAIR: Sean Cubitt

Ji-hoon Kim, Machines of the Audiovisual: The Development of “Synthetic Audiovisual Interfaces” in Avant-garde Art Since the 1970s

Frieder Nake, Susan Grabowski and Jörn Ketelsen, The Origins of Digital Media: Algorithmic Art and Computer Graphics

Armin Medosch, Automation, Cybernation and the Art of New Tendencies, Phase 1 (1961-1965)

Ernest Edmonds, A Cybernetic Story: from interaction to influence


Panel B: Media art histories (interactive and responsive art)

CHAIR: Beryl Graham

Stephen Jones, Early Interactive Art in Australia

Theresa Schubert Minski, Responsive Art: Exploring Non-intentional Creation and the Influence of Technology in Computer-based Installation Art

Nigel Johnson, “Are we there yet?” – The historical dilemmas of interactive art

Erandy Vergara-Vergas, Rethinking Interactivity in relation to the History of a Site


Panel C: Methodologies (education)

CHAIR: Wendy Coones

Jon Cates, Media Art Futures: developing curriculum for teaching Media Art Histories

Mark Smith, Artists’ digital moving image: its impact on learning

Jo Briggs, Situated Digital Art Practices in Northern Ireland: Cultural implications emerging from the implementation of ‘Moving Image Arts’.


15.40 – 16.00: Tea/coffee


16.00 – 17.40: SESSION 12

Panel A: Blindspots (iconoclasts)

CHAIR: Charlie Gere

Harald Klinke, Samuel Morse’ Idea of Progress in both the Arts and Technology

Antonio Bonome García, Burroughs’ Electronic Manifestoes

Sharon Irish, The socio-spatial practice of artist Stephen Willats

Charlie Gullstrom, A Mediated Window to the Stockholm Art and Industry Fair of 1897


Panel B: Media art histories (contemporary art ruptures and reconciliations)

CHAIR: Christiane Paul

Christiane Paul, New Media Art and the Mainstream

Eduardo Valle, Is it the history of art repeating itself ? A geopolitical analysis and comparision of contemporary art and media art

Rosanne Altstatt, Media Art Institutions Articulate a Hybrid History

Dorothy Barenscott, Intersecting Worlds of Commerce and Experimentation: Creating Legitimacy for the “Art” of Media


Panel C: Methodologies (documentation)

CHAIR: Sarah Cook

Vanina Hofman, Pau Alsina, Natàlia Cantó Milà and Glòria Munilla Cabrillana, Preserving and Documenting Media Art Heritage in the Latin American Context

Stephanie Lauke and Florian Wiencek, Digital Remediation of Visitor’s Experience. A GUI Approach

Alessandro Alfieri, Music video and videoart


17.40 – 18.00: Wine reception


18.00 – 18.15: Presentation

Re: Riga launch


18.15 – 19.15: Keynote

Andrew Pickering, chaired by Paul Brown

**This keynote has been supported by the Computer Arts Society Specialist Group (CAS)**


19.15 – 19.30: Closing address

Mike Stubbs, Rewire chair and Director of FACT


19.30: Close